Teaching Assistant Sees Student In Unfamiliar Car With Unfamiliar Man, So She SLAMS On The Breaks..

Teaching Assistant Sees Student In Unfamiliar Car With Unfamiliar Man, So She SLAMS On The Breaks..

When a teacher’s assistant sees something wrong with a student, they will often do whatever possible to offer help. One TA saw who her student was driving with and she slammed on her brakes to get the student away from that other person.

The woman was driving to the school when she saw one of her students in the front seat of an unfamiliar, older man’s car. The 11 year 0ld child had a look of sheer terror on their face.

The assistant called out and asked the girl if that man was her father. When the girl said no, the TA parked her car in front of the man’s so he couldn’t drive away with her student. She called the police and told the girl to get out of the car.

This situation could have easily ended up in a kidnapping or worse… The driver faces charges, and the family of the little girl is very thankful for the brave efforts of the teacher’s assistant. If it wasn’t for the TA caring about the students, and paying attention, there could have been a very different outcome that day.

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