Teacher Says “Clap Your Hands!” – But Watch Your Eye On The Boy In The Blue Shirt…

Many funny and adorable videos are uploaded to YouTube every second, and they are quickly spread through popular social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. Due to cute and adorable nature of these videos, you make sure that most of your great friends get to watch them. You end up sharing them on your Timeline for friends to see or sending the video to them through WhatsAPP

Through sharing, these viral videos finally are available for viewing on the mainstream news. Therefore, people like Chewbacca Mom get an opportunity to experience the feeling of being famous. The best thing with these adorable videos is that they are not restricted to any place or timing. They can happen anywhere and at any moment. Thus, carry your camera everywhere you go and start filming when you see something interesting.

The word “mom” still stands out despite the Chewbacca Mom video going viral. Candace Payne is a just an ordinary mom, who tries to appreciate the simple things in her daily life. Despite the video garnering more than 150 million views, Candace remains unaffected by her fame, and she is dedicated to her real goal of spreading joy. She is also spreading some fantastic music. For instance, at the Houston Astro’s match, she sang the National Anthem. In the Chewbacca Mom Video, Candace is driving her children around town, and they begin to discuss their understandings of Lion King Song, which is a classic Disney song. The family manages to interpret the lyrics of the song hilariously.

When a teacher played a song for her kindergarten class of cute kids, they never thought that their video could be one of the funniest and adorable videos ever recorded. The babies are required to clap their hands as the teacher is playing the guitar. Although all the kids in the video are adorable and happy, the kid in the blue shirt carries the day. The boy breaks out into an infectious laughter that can cause even the strictest people to smile or laugh.

The laughter spreads to other kids including the adults present in the room. This little boy is viewing life from a different perspective. Therefore, it is imperative that you always have something interesting to laugh about and do not forget to share it with your friends.

Lorly Schik started her professional career as a teacher in the 1940s in the Minnesota-based Perham School. Many children benefitted from her kindness and unwavering guidance. Although she retired in 1989, Mrs. Schik never forgot the faces of all the students that she taught throughout her teaching career. She was preparing to tour different countries with his husband as a way of celebrating her retirement, but he unexpectedly died. Aged 90, Mrs. Schik’s life had changed so much; hence, she had to make an emotional decision of moving out of her home into seniors’ independent living complex.

One day, as Mrs. Schik was watching the news on KARE 11 Sunrise, a St. Paul, Minnesota-based local news channel, she noticed that one of the newscasters was once her kindergarten student. She wrote to the parents of the news anchor wishing them success and requested them to tell Corry (news anchor) that his kindergarten teacher was now 90 years old.

Mrs. Schik could not hide her joy for finally meeting Corry after thirty years. While Corry had matured and was now working as a news anchor, Mrs. Schik still pictured him as a cute little boy sitting on a kindergarten chair. They went through the kindergarten’s photos that Mrs. Schik was still keeping. Eventually, she read to Corry an emotional letter his mother had written to her when he was graduating from Kindergarten.

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