PHOTO: Mother Wore A Bikini To The Beach And Was Ridiculed, Her Response Is PERFECT

PHOTO: Mother Wore A Bikini To The Beach And Was Ridiculed, Her Response Is PERFECT

A woman and mother decided to go to the beach for the first time in 13 years. Instead of having a day of fun at the beach, the woman went home upset that day and decided to post a picture with a message that sparked the interest of everybody.

The message goes on to state, that her body has given birth to five amazing children and had protected them while they grew. Also, she stated that she was sorry that her 25 pound, 33-year-old body offended the two boys and one girl who felt it was appropriate to point at the woman and pretend to kick her.

She then goes on to explain that the offenders’ bodies are perfect now, but what will they look like after giving birth to children and watching their own bodies change in the process. The woman then explains that stretch marks and other consequences of pregnancy are something to be proud of, and no woman should be ashamed of it.

Although the woman held her head high during the ridicule, and crying on the way home, she wanted to emphasize through her post that no woman should be ashamed of her body and that a woman’s body is beautiful regardless of the scars of pregnancy.

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