Paul Ryan Fakes Another Photo-op – This Time in a Hospital.

The U.S. Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, paid an unannounced visit to the McLane Children’s Hospital in Temple, Texas. While the visit was low profile, there was a heavy security presence when the Speaker arrived at approximately 11 a.m. with Central Texas Congressman John Carter and hospital patron and businessman, Drayton McLane, Jr. Ryan and his colleagues came to the hospital in order to talk with the hospital executives about the necessity of child therapy and issues regarding health care.

While there, Ryan met the Texas Ambassador for Children’s Miracle Network, 9-year-old Logan Parker. The Children’s Miracle Network is a group that includes McLane Children’s Hospital along with 13 other hospitals in Texas. Logan suffers from Pelizaeus-Merzbacher, a disease that affects motor and speech skills via a central nervous system defect. The young Ambassador has weekly therapy sessions at the hospital and is also featured on multiple hospital posters.

In June, Logan and his family received a tour of Washington, D.C. for his ambassadorship. While there, they had the opportunity to take a photo by Ryan’s office, but were not able to meet him. Upon meeting the Speaker, Logan’s mother, Doris stated that “He was very approachable” and that “he was very much into Logan’s story.” The family left with a picture with the Speaker from his unannounced and unscheduled stop at their Temple Hospital.

This is obviously a big win for Ryan, who was caught breaking into a church to fake community service back in 2012, and who was made famous by his ridiculous work-out photo shoot. The guy isn’t very good at making a photo-op work. He deserves a big pat on the back for this one – he didn’t break into the hospital, he wasn’t faking anything except kindness, and he managed to make it look normal-ish. Good job Paul! Now get back the senate so you can continue raping this nation sideways.

Paul Ryan Fakes Another Photo-op – This Time in a Hospital.

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