Mom Poses In Her Underwear With 2 Nursing Babies. Her Message Is Incredible…

Some mothers have no qualms about nursing in public. They know that it’s the only way that their baby will eat, and while they often nurse in a modest way, they aren’t bothered by the fact that they have a baby under a shirt against the breast.

Mom Poses In Her Underwear With 2 Nursing Babies. Her Message Is Incredible…

One mother posed in her underwear with two of her children while they were nursing. She had a message that needed to be relayed to other mothers and those who might be against the nursing process. The Honest Body Project is one where mothers, including this one, have joined together to show that breastfeeding is natural and that there is nothing wrong with the way of feeding a baby to ensure that it has the proper nutrients.

Mom Poses In Her Underwear With 2 Nursing Babies. Her Message Is Incredible…

There is a clear message from the mother in the video as well as others who joined with her. They refuse to keep the baby at home just so that the baby can nurse in a quiet place. It’s not fair to the children as they don’t need to stay at home to eat. Mothers shouldn’t be afraid to get out in public with a baby while breastfeeding.

Mom Poses In Her Underwear With 2 Nursing Babies. Her Message Is Incredible…

The mother in the video displays that breastfeeding is a nourishing way to feed the child and that there is nothing wrong with what she’s doing. It’s a method of feeding that the United States has made abnormal when it’s really something normal and that breasts are for feeding.

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