Grandma Says ‘Turn Up The Music.’ Now Watch What She Does For All To See…

Silento’s Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae) is still on its way to breaking the internet with millions of hits on YouTube. The Georgia phenom’s smash hit has also managed to shatter the age gap. This 86 year-old grandma breaks out dancing while her grandson captures it on video.

With over 400,000 views and counting, grandma’s dancing has caught a lot of attention. This woman isn’t letting her age slow down her dancing. The Whip and the Nae Nae for nana? Looks like it.

When she heard the song, she asked her grandson to turn it up as she throws the stanky leg while the right side of her bra strap hangs off of her shoulder – the Whip and the Nae Nae seemed liked something she’d been doing for decades while never missing a beat.

This graceful grandma should start giving dance lessons to the rhythmically challenged. Age doesn’t really seem to matter much when the music’s on. Check out grandma’s moves and see if you can keep up!

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