Cop Sprints Into Burning Pet Store and Saves Every Single Animal Inside

An officer in New Jersey did not think twice when he received a call saying that a pet shop was on fire. The officer, whose name is Rafael Borgos, has been on the police force for over 20 years. When Rafael and his partner, Jeffrey, arrived on the scene, the building was in flames. Rafael risked his own safety by running into the shop.

Cop Sprints Into Burning Pet Store and Saves Every Single Animal Inside

The first thing that he did was check to make sure that no one was inside of the shop. There were no people inside of the pet store, but there were many scared animals in there. Rafael acted quickly to make sure that the dozens of animals in the store were rescued.

All of the animals got out of the store safely. Rafael suffered smoke inhalation and had to be treated at the hospital.

Cop Sprints Into Burning Pet Store and Saves Every Single Animal Inside

Fortunately, Rafael is going to make a full recovery. The animals were treated at the local vet office. The veterinarian thanked Rafael for saving the animals’ lives. Because Rafael has been on the police force for two decades, he is very familiar with fires. That is why he remained calm and knew exactly what he needed to do to save the animals.

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